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Day 614: The Minor Flood That Was

Between my last post and this one, the clouds burst quite phenomenally over Orleans Parish and some places got 6 inches of water in the space of 90 minutes. My drive home from work, which usually takes all of 7 minutes, took 55 minutes and had me going all the way to Tulane & Carrollton where I saw cars stranded in the underpass, and to the intersection of MLK/Melpomene & St. Charles where the riverside lanes of St. Charles were flooded all the way to business entrances. Voodoo BBQ on the lakeside of St. Charles wasn’t looking too happy, either. A couple of blocks away from my house, Coliseum St. at the park looked mildly scary with stranded cars and waist-level water. This is the first time I’ve been elated to have a sport-utility vehicle with the clearance to ford almost every stream.

Tulane & S. Carrollton (Underpass Flooding) Voodoo BBQ Entrance Not Looking So Hot

Here are pictures from my long drive home. This is my favorite WWL footage from today’s minor flood. I have no pity for such drivers.

Edit: Friends at Jazzfest told me the Acura stage and Gospel tent were flooded, but Better Than Ezra did get to perform.

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