GRIT Awards 2018 Winner: Honored as a global leader creating the new future of energy Experience Energy
Association for Women Geoscientists 2017 Award Winner Special Recognition for inter-society
collaboration and innovation
- Society of Exploration Geophysicists
- Honorary & Distinguished Lectures Committee member (2020-present)
- SEG Foundation Board member (2018-20)
- SEG Women’s Network: Founding member (2011); Chair (2015-17); Advisor (2017 – present)
- University of Wisconsin Department of Geoscience
- Seismology Assistant Professor search committee (2021 – present)
- Board of Visitors: Senior Advisor (2005 – present)
SEG Advanced Modeling (SEAM) AI Applied Geoscience GPU Hackathon: Domain mentor and project manager Team SIX and Team XIST representing Xrathus, Inc. (2021)
- Geophysical Society of Houston
- General Chair of Annual Technical Symposium honoring Brian Russell and Dan Hampson (2019)
- First Vice President (2018-2019)
- Society of Exploration Geophysicists Council society representative (2017-2019)
Science Foo Camp hosted by Nature, O’Reilly Media and Google: Invited Participant and Presenter
(2013 and 2015) SciFoo Camp
Agile Geophysics Hackathon: Invited Judge at three hackathons (2013-15)
Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation Board Member and Senior Advisor (1992 – present)