Our fearless hero will return to Looziana tomorrow. It means a lot to me that one of my favorite cartoonists can breathe right again.
They tell me it will take a long time to feel all the effects of the surgery, and they“re right; I still tire out pretty easily. And there are still a few rough patches around my heart, so it’s by no means 100 %. I need to exercise and change my diet, and you should see the pills oy. But I can breathe. I can sleep flat, and I can do it without gasping and moaning and wheezing … And there’s still pain, the worst of which is, as one might guess, along my recently-sawn-in-half sternum
You know you want to see the sawed-in-half sternum, my curious cats. Well, I know you do. An axis mundi tattoo, in a year or so, should take care of the reminder, don’t you think?