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Day 177: First Weekend Of Uptown Parades

Several of us predicted that the five Saturday parades would be done in less than 90 minutes, performed a quick cost-benefit and weather analysis and decided to stay in. Not many frequent those parades anyway.

Late Sunday morning saw a lot of bundling up and braving the cold to see our first Uptown Mardi Gras parades of 2006. Pictures from these parades are available in my Mardi Gras 2006 gallery.

Bards of Bohemia was cancelled for insurance reasons, so we were left with Krewe of Carrollton and Krewe of King Arthur. Carrollton’s theme of Blue Roof Blues was well-received, but not their chintzy throws. As floats named Red, White and Blue, Blue Man Group and Waterbloo with aptly-dressed riders went by, however, it was hard not to get wrapped up in laughing, jumping and screaming the chant, “Throw me something!” It worked – the captain threw me a handful of cool-blue doubloons, not to mention being beaned in the head by my friends on Float 13.

As one of the owners of Plush Appeal commented to me yesterday, “Everyone wants to stop boo-hooing and have a great party! But, we can never forget.” This Krewe of Carrollton float realizes his words for me:

Krewe of Carrollton - Save Us, FEMA!

Sadly, Steve, D and I chose not to ride in Krewe of King Arthur this year, but were nicely rewarded with throws from our friends on the Bridal float. With its theme of Katrina Blows You Away, King Arthur did not fail in the float-making department. Phil Fricano and his team outdid themselves as usual by altering some old floats and whole new paint jobs on others. I have to hand it to Phil – his love for and energy during Mardi Gras and floatmaking are amazing.

Krewe of King Arthur - King Arthur 2006 Krewe of King Arthur - Merlin & Morgana 2006

Krewe of King Arthur Float
“What is your name? What is your quest? What is your favorite color?”

A big round of applause for the Jesuit, MAX and Virginia Tech bands, cheerleaders, dancers and chaperones who walked the parade route with smiles on. Well, not so much with the Jesuit kids, but few of them are ever happy to be there. One day, I, too, will be high-school cheerleader and walk the route from Napoleon to Canal, pom-poms, glitter, tap shoes and all.

The Sunday parades went by very quickly, too, but it’s not entirely because of reduced numbers of floats and marching bands. The cold weather this year is daunting. Period. And, don’t forget that last year’s Carrollton and King Arthur left their gates late and were held up because of the Carrollton float accident.

More pictures tomorrow – be prepared for The Dock (or The ex-Dock) and the 17th St Canal Levee breach.

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