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A whole LOTTa ruckus going on

The worrying thing about the booting of Lott is that the Republicans who want him out aren’t doing it simply to save face with the black voting populace of this country, but mostly to get rid of an ineffectual leader who isn’t conservative enough. Lott may make stupid remarks, but he was a liability for his party, too. Remember he didn’t vote for the ban on human cloning?

If Lott leaves, we’ll probably have Nickles or one of his buddies in the senate majority leadership position. You might be kicking Lott now, but you’ll be kicking yourself later. In the time of the lesser of two evils, watching out for these kinds of things is key.

Then again, most age-old politicians are a bunch of bigots. And, the Democrats may claim a rickety majority for a while. *one person claps*

On a weirdly lighter note, check this out: Black People Love Us.

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