Here’s a reaction I got from someone who clearly didn’t like what I had to say yesterday:
I don’t care what Islamists think about America..I already know ..they hate us. OK. Press on. The reason [you] really had to dig for these articles is they have no credibility.
Gee, with that show of openmindedness, who could ever hate us? The terrorists make me very angry, but people like this have me wonder why I am on this planet. That makes me downright mad.
Yes, I really had to dig, but I dug IN the New York Times, IN the Washington Post, and IN the Chicago Tribune. It’s just a shame that it didn’t make it to the front pages of these online papers, but were in the back tucked in between the car ads and the Macy’s sale insert. They have plenty of credibility, alright. No Reuters news correspondent is going to put her name on an article that has no credibility. Have you even heard of Reuters?
Did I not say the INS is doing its job? My opposition is that they don’t have to treat people like animals and cage them or have them locked up 50 to a room to check them out. Civil liberties for immigrants are in jeopardy in this country, and unless each and every American citizen wakes up and realizes that, you’d might as well be flying a bedsheet out there and not your American flag. This is not a matter of opinion and I am not joking. Do you see me laughing?
Why can no Bush-Republican answer the vital question? Why aren’t we pounding the Saudis six ways from Sunday? Yeah, we have been going after a royal princess who gave money to her sick friend who gave it to her husband who gave it to his gardener who gave it to his milkman who gave it to two guys whose cousins ended up flying airplanes into our buildings. But, do you know that 14 out of the 19 hijackers were Saudi in origin and not one was Afghani? Probably not … because 65% of people polled recently on this question don’t know where Iraq is on a map of the world and think that Afghanis and Iraqis were on the 9/11 airplanes. Saddam Hussein does not associate with the Taliban, Yasser Arafat does not associate with the Taliban, North Korea does not associate with the Taliban, Israel does not associate with the Taliban. All of these people are horrendous in their own right, but they have nothing to do with the Taliban. And the people who have everything to do with Taliban have not yet been brought to justice and grow stronger while we go shake our fists at all the wrong parties.
Please, continue not to care what Islamists think about America. The more you don’t care, the more they will hate us for supporting all kinds of atrocity in the Middle East while supposedly not caring. We care enough to meddle in their affairs, but don’t care what they think or if they are living good lives or not. So, why shouldn’t they hate us? I beseech you, keep not caring.
The next time a bomb blasts in a crowded area or another airplane flies into a building, fly your flag up high, send your war jets to Rwanda or some other war-torn nation and keep wondering why the terrorists did this to us. And as long as you don’t care, you’ll never know why.
Do you even know what the difference is between Islamists and Muslims? Or, do you not care?
More news of the profane:
Bush Administration to Propose System for Monitoring Internet
The administration wants Internet service providers to help build a system to enable monitoring and, potentially, surveillance of its users.
But, you see, as our wise president said, “The terrorists hate our freedom.” So, if we let our government take our freedoms away, we may not be terrorized like this again. No freedom, no terror. We put the Republican party in power to solve our nation’s problems. And, by god, they’re coming through for us!
(Of course, we don’t let this one leak or some folks may take it seriously. For a great sarchasm [sic] exists in this country, which is “the gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the recipient who doesn’t get it.”)
So, when is that island for sale?