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Day 901: Mayor Doing What He Does Best

Covering his behind.

… Unfortunately, photos of the command unit that will be stationed across from the NBA headquarters for this week’s NBA All Star Game were not selected for publication, unfortunately photos of the smart boards and computer equipment that will allow officers to have real time data and analysis while in the field were not selected to educate, inform and reassure the publics confidence. Instead a photo, taken out of context, was selected by our own local media and now showcased across the nation as a mockery of all this city’s recovery efforts. This is the real tragedy.

Wait, the newspaper should be a PR arm of City Hall and NOPD and routinely publicize what these institutions ought to be doing as their jobs, but not perform its responsibility as the fourth estate?

I maintain that Nagin should never have pointed that gun at Riley, not even for a millisecond, not with wide grins on both of their faces.  In addition, let’s not get all wrapped up in the fallout from this photograph and forget that there is a lot more in-context evidence that this mayor is irresponsible and has to go.  Take the mayoral spokesperson’s note above, for instance.  Never an apology, only excuses, lies and admonition of the public like we’re naughty children for taking Papa Mayor to task.  This, Ms. Quiett, is the real tragedy.

4 comments… add one
  • Blair Tyson February 14, 2008, 1:11 PM

    My son is in Africa with the Peace Corps and he frequently reports that the local government is led by individuals that seem to lack any sense of what they should – and should not – be doing. It must be infuriating to find a similar situation in a major US city.

  • Blair Tyson February 14, 2008, 1:12 PM

    Incidentally, I did notice that you ARE infuriated.

  • Karen February 14, 2008, 7:03 PM

    Ceon Quiett is almost worse than her Boss.

  • Karen February 14, 2008, 7:06 PM

    here she is on audio. Talking transparency.


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