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Day 768: We Did Not Evolve From Apes

Why, the very idea is a big disgrace.  (Thanks, Joe From LA.)

When a reporter asked his position on teaching creationism, Mr. Jindal“s response clearly favored undermining the teaching of evolution: With evolution there are flaws and gaps. I think it’s appropriate to tell our students that no scientific theory can prove evolution. (Sharp questions put candidates at governor“s forum on spot, Associated Press, September 25, 2003) Jindal, a Rhodes scholar and Brown University biology graduate, surely knows better but apparently opted for political expediency.

Jindal’s not stupid, just a very, very smart false prophet.  He knew that biology degree wasn’t going to make him as much money as this politician gig.  Regardless, for the record, no scientific theory can prove anything, which is why we call it a theory and look at the data.  Theories come and go, data accumulate.  As do the frustrating statements made by politicians these days.

“It is a smorgasbord in New Orleans! It is a buffet, an economic buffet! All you can eat!” he told the crowd. “If you have a lawnmower and an edger, you can make money in New Orleans.” [LINK]

“My job is a decision-making job. And as a result, I make a lot of decisions.” [LINK]

“I just have to say in all candor that since this nation was founded primarily on Christian principles … personally, I prefer someone who I know who has a solid grounding in my faith …  But that doesn’t mean that I’m sure that someone who is Muslim would not make a good president.”  [LINK]  Also see America: The Secular Republic.

6 comments… add one
  • Blair October 5, 2007, 1:52 PM

    I’ll vote for you if you’ll vote for me.

  • Blair October 5, 2007, 1:52 PM

    But, if elected, I will not serve.

  • jeffrey October 5, 2007, 4:36 PM

    They tell us that we lost our tails evolving up from little snails. I say it’s all just wind in sails.

  • Grandmère Mimi October 6, 2007, 12:51 PM

    Jindal, a Rhodes scholar and Brown University biology graduate, surely knows better but apparently opted for political expediency.

    Exactly, Maitri. In other words, he is pandering to the fundamentalists in the state, which is despicable, because he is spreading ignorance. The people of Louisiana have enough of a reputation for being ignorant as it is, and to hear our Rhodes Scholar candidate spout this nonsense is beyond low.

    He is worried about north Louisiana. He’s a chameleon. He’ll say whatever you want to hear at the moment, but, if he wins, he will be indebted to the fundamentalist base, and he will do their bidding.

  • Tim October 6, 2007, 11:34 PM

    As long as everyone is quoting songs….

    The evidence is all around
    Our brains are bigger
    This we’ve found
    The smartest monkeys

    But more to the topic, yes, it’s quite disturbing how science is so off-handily rejected by people who find it inconvenient–until they need their heart surgery or a trans-continental flight.



  • Regi January 2, 2008, 11:50 AM

    Creationism and the Flat Earth Society have significant followings and much else in common. The Flat Earthers believe that the space program is a hoax. Creationists think that God is offended by science that explores DNA and genomes, not a clever ruse that shows that we are related to apes and broccoli.

    If you need to fly anywhere at all, you’ll be able to see that the earth is indeed round.

    Do Creationists believe God laid down the sedimentary layers in the Grand Canyon to fool us into thinking that the earth is more than 10,000 years old?

    If you want to treat disease, you better believe in DNA.

    If God created DNA, coil by coil for every living thing on earth, He made it appear that we all living things on earth are cousins. My God is powerful enough to have actually used evolution. Denying that God has the power to do this is disrespectful and silly.

    Thinking citizens must watch this Rhodes Scholar trained as a biologist, who panders to crackpots to get elected.

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