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Day 692: Yet Another “Women In The Workplace” Assessment

So, what makes us different and better than our male counterparts (this time)? It’s still multitasking and, wait, what is this … emotionalism. [NYTimes article]

What intrinsic qualities do women have that give them a competitive edge over men? By an overwhelming margin, the trait they touted most was their multitasking expertise … They even turned a common dig against them, their supposed emotionalism, on its head, saying it is a manifestation of a compassionate nature that motivates employees, attracts customers and enables them to keep their priorities straight.

… A few respondents acknowledged that men seem to have innate advantages, like moving more quickly to put out workplace fires and paying more attention to the bottom line.

I love how these studies have no room for emotional and compassionate men, as well as no-nonsense, quick-as-lightning women who keep their eyes on the bottom line at all times.

In some sense, it probably explains why I constantly have five or more projects going, start crying and breathing into a paper bag three-quarters of the way to the finish, eventually put out fires, find out exactly how much everything costs, almost always do things for other people and get my work done anyway.

You know what, I realize that’s not female multi-tasking and emotionalism, it’s anyone’s work, stress and deadlines.

1 comment… add one
  • GentillyGirl July 22, 2007, 6:09 PM

    The key to being a good worker or manager is knowing what your response should be in every different situation. Emotionalism, multi-tasking and quick-as-lightening abilities are all required, but in order to be at your best, you must be able to recognize which skill is necessary to the problem at hand.

    None of the above are the exclusive property of either gender.

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