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Day 436: The Government We Deserve

Voter turnout in Orleans and Jefferson parishes are dismal, from what I’ve seen and heard around town.  Not many absentee ballots from “displaced citizens” have come in either.

Meanwhile, in Madison, WI, the peasants are storming the castle, even with new voting systems and long lines.

One would think that Katrina, the flood and the alarmingly slow rate of recovery would shake local constituents into political action.  Find your polling place and GO VOTE now, or give up your right to gripe.  Please let Louisiana and the nation know that this race and Amendment 7 do mean something.

This morning I watched a 3rd District race ad endorsed by Craig Romero (R) in which he “accuses” Charlie Melancon (D) of “siding with liberals 80% of the time.”  Not enough of the time (even if he voted against the Military Tribunals Act, which Mary Landrieu aye-ayed).

Oh, for a party with teeth.

4 comments… add one
  • Scott Harney November 7, 2006, 6:13 PM

    It would have been nice if the secretary of state’s online polling place search that you link to was accurate, but it’s not. I had a business trip scheduled today but before I got on the plane, I planned to vote. So I drove to Jesuit where it told me to go. And there I found a dozen signs in the ground with information like
    This polling place has moved!
    Ward 5, PCT 5
    Engine #6 on Banks St

    Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to run around and go play find the continually changing polling place. I saw at least 6 other cars pull into the lot at Jesuit, see the signs and turn around. Hopefully they were able to get to their polling places.

  • nerd November 7, 2006, 8:54 PM

    But, what about people that just aren’t interested and don’t know the issues?

    I always thought that was a sign of responsibility.

    Also, you show me a place where everyone feels the need to vote and I’ll show you a place that’s not doing very well.

    I’m all in favor of responsible voter-apathy, myself.

  • ashley November 7, 2006, 9:05 PM

    Believe it or don’t, the lines at Lusher were long indeed when I voted. Lots of people in good moods. Hmmmmm.

  • mominem November 8, 2006, 11:54 AM

    Where I voted, there was a stedy stream of voters, the parking lot was full but no long lines inside. It took maybe ten minutes, mostly because the woman operating the votiing machine was chatting and ketp forgetting to reset it.

    I wish we had someone worthwile to vote for. I almost decided to abstain out of distain. I finally decided I needed to vote for the assessor thing..

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