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Day 291: C’est Le Même

Loki of HumidCity invited me to participate in this New Orleans meme.  A lot of my answers are the same as his (hence the title of this post), but I’ll try to be different.

1) What are you drinking right now?
New Orleans tap water

2) Where were you on 28 August, 2005?
On the road, driving east, north, west, into a black hole in west-central Mississippi, back into Louisiana, followed by Texas, and finally south to Houston.

3) And then where did you go?
To bed.

4) Did you come home?

5) If so, when? If not, where do you live now?
The day before Krewe du Vieux rolled – February 10, 2006

6) What do you miss most about ˜old“ New Orleans?
The intrepid nature of the city, kids attending public school by my place, the predictability of crime, working street lights and some of my friends in Lakeview and Gentilly.

7) What notable meals have you had lately?
Good notable – homemade tabouleh and chana masala, Dunbar’s red beans & rice
Bad notable – gumbo and salad at Herbsaint 

8) In a word, what“s the worst thing that’s happened to you since August?
The death of D’s mother

9) Now, inspire us with something lovely that’s happened.
Lovely is every friend or stranger who reached out to me after the storm with shelter, food, music, their puppies and kitties, concern and solace.

10) Who is your favorite bartender?
Katie at Fahy’s

11) Where can we find you at 1am on Saturday night?
Home in bed or chatting up a storm at Fahy’s

12) A word on G.W. Bush
a) Man who has never stepped on a battlefield calls himself Commander-In-Chief.  Hmmm.
b) E-mail shows Bush glad FEMA took Katrina flak

13) A word on Ray Nagin
He needs a break and should not have run for re-election.

14) What have we learned?
Power corrupts corruptible people absolutely.  Civilization exists solely by geological/climatological consent.

15) Where do you see yourself in 12 months?
I, too, wish I knew.

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