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Joseph Andrew Stack Was A Terrorist

Abhi in Sepia Mutiny:

… You see, the very definition of terrorism has changed, right beneath our feet. A man with strong ideological beliefs against the government of the United States tries (and succeeds) to kill himself and take as many civilians (federal workers) as he can with him. But they don’t call it terrorism. That sacrosanct term is now reserved only for non-white people with funny sounding names. Preferably Muslim.

Swear by a copy of The Monkey Wrench Gang?  Threaten to ram whaling ships?  You’re an “eco-terrorist.”  Pre-meditate and carry out the murder of a physician who conducts abortions and swear to take more such lives, all while possessing a solid anti-government track record?  You’re an “abortion foe.”

Shoot up people while screaming Allah in Fort Hood?  You’re a terrorist.  No, wait, you’re an “Islamo-kazi.”  Fly into America with a bomb strapped to your nads, which, thank the Gods, did not go off?  Damn straight, you’re a terrorist.

Long-windedly admit to illegal activity and a long-term hatred of American government and “taxation without representation” in your suicide manifesto, and then fly an airplane into a government building with intent to kill?  You’re a “crash pilot” at best, “cowardly criminal” at worst.

Shame on CNN to Fox News and Obama’s White House to Scott Brown for not referring to this dastardly act as terrorism.  And shame, shame, shame on everyone out there who screams for investigations and the heads of selfish, agenda-based murderers only and repeatedly when it is politically expedient.

There are the dead in the Austin IRS building, the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, the airplanes, the Oklahoma City federal building and cowardly, unnecessary acts of violence all over the world.  Whether their killers are termed “terrorists” or not does not make a damned bit of difference to them.  Nor will it bring them back and make their families whole ever again. There are the living, however, who have to go on with the fallout.  The rest of us die inside slowly every single day that blame and justice are assigned improperly.

(Update: But hark! Stack’s manifesto has been calculated as 76% left-wing.  Don’t all trip over yourselves calling him a “terrorist” now.)

Suggested Reading:
Patrix | What Does It Take To Be Called A Terrorist?
Big Man | Oh, Hell Naw

6 comments… add one
  • Patrix February 19, 2010, 3:08 PM

    What peeves me off is that both Democrats and Republicans shy away from this mess. The White House will not call it terrorism because it amounts to admitting a terror attack took place on their watch and Republicans will not coz it doesn’t fit their narrative of terrorism.

  • ryan February 20, 2010, 1:28 PM

    I agree…and thank you for not lumping him in with “tea baggers”

  • Maitri February 20, 2010, 1:43 PM

    Ryan, I haven’t lumped him in with the teabaggers because crazies come in all hues and value systems, but it didn’t stop some teabaggers from lumping themselves in with him.

  • vishesh February 21, 2010, 3:33 AM

    I can’t but help extend this to India today…we probably too many terrorists here..and yet terrorist is someone who is from across the border..
    So who is a terrorist in the real sense anyway?

    • Maitri February 21, 2010, 9:44 AM

      Vishesh, I disagree that a terrorist is someone from across the border. What about folks inside India hellbent upon destroying it from the inside because of a dogma?

      Anyone who takes lives in the name of an ideology is a terrorist, regardless of provenance. When we cannot recognize the enemy within and within our own selves, we’re in trouble.

  • Clay February 22, 2010, 8:00 AM

    Maybe this is why the cops are confused:


    Terrorism is at its core violence for political ends. Timothy McVeigh was a terrorist. This guy is too.

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