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links for 2009-03-02

  • Red states are the biggest consumers of online porn. *giggle* With Utah leading the way. BWAHAHAHAHAAA! "Those states that do consume the most porn tend to be more conservative and religious than states with lower levels of consumption, the study finds. 'Some of the people who are most outraged turn out to be consumers of the very things they claimed to be outraged by, [Benjamin Edelman at Harvard Business School] says." Hypocrites.
  • "My friends and I often have this discussion: when did it become so cool to be dumb? Perhaps it's just because I'm a big nerd who ran with a crowd of big nerds, but my school experience was much like Knight's: 'Everyone I knew felt the same way: the acquisition of knowledge wasn't regarded as naff or nerdy; being clever was seen as cool, and being thick as embarrassing.' It wasn't considered a badge of honor to be a complete idiot; being smart, or at least working hard in school, meant that you had a better shot of getting the hell out of my shitkick town, and people respected that."
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  • liprap March 2, 2009, 7:38 PM

    Intelligence hasn’t been valued for a loooong time, but I think there used to be a much better shot for intelligent people in the working world to get a primo job and keep it. These days, it seems workplace politics trump intelligence, with those who play the personality games getting ahead where others who still think meritorious work will speak for itself are floundering.

    Can I just say that I seriously dread returning to a full-time job existence? If only motherhood actually paid the estimated $130,000-plus/year experts have theorized is the pay owed stay-at-home parents…

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