"…Wikileaks has released over 600 United Nations investigative reports, over 70 of which are classified. The reports expose sensitive matters from allegations of hundreds of European peace-keepers sexually abusing–and impregnating–refugee girls, to generals in Peru using Swiss bank accounts to engage in multi-million dollar procurement fraud."
Lots of stats. Some obscure, some not.
"… You go to every other store in the mall trying on red shoes until you are ready to drop from exhaustion. Then you return to the first store and buy those red shoes. Do not shop for a home this way. When you find the perfect home, buy it."
"Will lay off up to 800 scientists as drug company refocuses efforts after dismal performance." And will hire them back two years from now at exorbitant rates when top management realizes there's no one around to do the work of making new drugs. Contrary to popular belief, a technology company doesn't run for very long on executives alone. Just so you know.
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