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Day 1166: The New First Dog

Obama Puppy Ideas (HT, Julie)

The girls should ask for one of each.

2 comments… add one
  • John November 6, 2008, 7:22 AM

    Here’s what would feel right: they should go to an animal shelter in DC and get a pup (who will probably be mixed breed) who’s on that death row and who needs some care and attention to become a great dog. Because in America, every dog should have the opportunity to become a beloved companion. Yes that dog can!

  • bayoustjohndavid November 7, 2008, 10:22 AM

    Damn you, John; you stole my comment. I’m tired of seeing presidents with Golden Retrievers and Scottish Terriers, it’s about time we had a president whose dog looks like every dog I’ve ever had. Actually, I’ve never understood why politicians all have pure breed dogs. I’d have more respect for a leader who took in a stray or went down to the SPCA.

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