Here’s what would feel right: they should go to an animal shelter in DC and get a pup (who will probably be mixed breed) who’s on that death row and who needs some care and attention to become a great dog. Because in America, every dog should have the opportunity to become a beloved companion. Yes that dog can!
Damn you, John; you stole my comment. I’m tired of seeing presidents with Golden Retrievers and Scottish Terriers, it’s about time we had a president whose dog looks like every dog I’ve ever had. Actually, I’ve never understood why politicians all have pure breed dogs. I’d have more respect for a leader who took in a stray or went down to the SPCA.
This is the weblog of Maitri Erwin. Maitri thinks about rocks, books, how computing can improve the practice of geoscience, and the future of earth. More in About.
Here’s what would feel right: they should go to an animal shelter in DC and get a pup (who will probably be mixed breed) who’s on that death row and who needs some care and attention to become a great dog. Because in America, every dog should have the opportunity to become a beloved companion. Yes that dog can!
Damn you, John; you stole my comment. I’m tired of seeing presidents with Golden Retrievers and Scottish Terriers, it’s about time we had a president whose dog looks like every dog I’ve ever had. Actually, I’ve never understood why politicians all have pure breed dogs. I’d have more respect for a leader who took in a stray or went down to the SPCA.