In case you forgot the last umpteen months, here’s a summary. Eeeww, we went through all that? Watching it leaves me unsurprised that Berke Breathed recently had my sweet, beloved Opus say Good Night permanently.
Breathed: “I’ll be on my couch Sunday mornings screaming at Brokaw and Stephanopoulos to call out the blathering bastards on their stupid fucking talking points and pin the dancing, lying, spinning Tasmanian Weasels down about something, ANYTHING for Christ Bloody Sake THE COUNTRY IS GETTING STEERED INTO CHAOS AND INSOLVENCY AND WAR BY ITS UNREAD UNINFORMED DULLARD SHEEP CONSTITUENCIES AND YOU JUST LET THE CANDIDATE SAY ONE MORE TIME WITHOUT OBJECTION THAT HE’S GOING TO CUT TAXES WHILE HE CALLS FOR FREE 24 KARAT GOLD FRANKFURTERS TO BE INSERTED INTO EVERY AMERICAN’S ASS JUST BECAUSE BUTT BULLION POLLS WELL.
“You see right there why I can’t have Opus involved with this anymore.”
That explains why Concentration Moon is running through my head. Sweet Jimminy Crikes, I forgot to read the funnies and now I see this at the end of a gruesome Monday.
Dear Bog, let this be over soon. Like, before I go to bed tomorrow. I don’t have the energy to fight them in the streets. I really don’t.
Aw Hell Naw! Say it ain’t so, Berkeley!
The sooner this damn Election Day is over, the better…