Breaking news! “Jets decide against Brett Favre; Green Bay takes him back and trades him to Chicago. In a sudden turn of events, the Green Bay Packers have traded Brett Favre to Chicago. In return, Chicago is giving us Door County, Lake Geneva, The Dells, Minoqua and the left lane of the Interstate back.” Sorry, thought we could use some levity right about now.
Next post: Day 1097: Since The Foul Mood Here Isn’t About To Abate Soon
Previous post: Day 1095: The New Orleans Speaks Symposium
you scared me
Durn flatlanders!
Just remember, those are all *North* siders. Every south sider has the good sense to go to Michigan, not Wisconsin :-)
Damn, you scared me as well. You coulda started a Midwestern civil war, ’cause them’s fightin’ words, “Favre traded to Chicago.” Dear God, woman, what are you THINKING???