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Day 1053: My Cousin, The NYTimes Science Columnist

This blog is only one expression of my family’s long-held desire to write.  Having “perfected the art of bullshit,” as my brother puts it, we long to inflict it on others.  I kid, I kid.  Serious writing in my immediate family includes that of my mother’s, with her amassing tomes on Vedanta and Hinduism, and my brother’s long history of medical journal articles.  Given a LARGE family and, by extension, my relationship to half of South India, let’s not forget the Sci Ref and Lexis Nexis searches that land on numerous scholarly articles penned by relatives.

We’re doctors, scientists, bankers, engineers, lawyers, businesspeople and computer geeks who have the ability to communicate well in print, but not one of us has been a real journalist.  Until now.  With great pride, I present the work of my little cousin who recently took up a job as science columnist at the New York Times.  Here are some of Bina’s articles to date:

Science and journalism!  You couldn’t have done better, kid.  This makes me want to go to J-school so bad, and while I ponder it, allow me to radiate proud glee.

3 comments… add one
  • tamasha July 15, 2008, 3:14 PM

    OMG. So, my dad is obsessed with all the desis who write for the Times. He used to send me every article, until Somini (yeah, we’re all on a first name basis, apparently) started writing so many. He especially loves Bina’s work because it’s science writing. I love her work because it makes science accessible to me. Yay!

  • Maitri July 15, 2008, 5:02 PM

    Bina has always been a great writer, starting from her high school and hometown publications up until now. Her sister pens the occasional article for wine magazines and is not a shabby writer herself. A lot of word wizardry in that gene pool.

    Dude, you should have seen the look on my face when I found out that someone named Malavika Jagannathan writes for the Green Bay Press Gazette. Southie Desi + Green Bay = Pure Love!

  • Blair Tyson July 16, 2008, 12:58 PM

    I read the items you referenced. Your cousin is an awesome writer (it must be genetic) and her work obviously is well researched.

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