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Day 1027: The Canary Sings The Same Lament In Iowa

AP: Midwest flood victims feel misled by feds

“They all told us, ‘The levees are good. You can go ahead and build,'” said [Juli] Parks, who did not buy flood coverage because her bank no longer required it. “We had so much confidence in those levees.”

Commentary from D: “I’ve heard that before, here. Seems like New Orleans is the canary in the coal mine. Our infrastructure crumbles as the ill-advised war in Iraq continues unabated. $529,706,000,000.00 pissed into the sand so far. All that cash and lives wasted and still no Bin Laden.”

Can Juli Parks afford to rebuild, much less leave America? Will she, like everyone affected by our collective crumbling, ever regain the faith in this nation that is essential for recovery and progress? No country will move forward without the will and heart of its people, both now being stomped on left, right and center.

1 comment… add one
  • GentillyGirl June 19, 2008, 9:56 PM

    Our country’s salvation will only come from those of us who believe in the Promise.

    Why do any of you think I wouldn’t be elsewhere? Spain looks very good, but this is our home.

    Everyone, take a deep breath’ find yourselves, and start rebuilding. It’s all we can do with the poop-head as Prez.

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