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Day 997: Headlines Du Jour

* The University of Wisconsin is in the Wall Street Journal for accepting more students from the freshman waiting list due to uncertainty generated by changes in the admissions process.

* IHT: Obama Faces Uphill Battle With Florida Jews “The people here, liberal people, will not vote for Obama because of his attitude towards Israel.” I tell these people what I tell some Indian relatives and acquaintances: If America isn’t Indian enough for you, move back to India. You can’t have your 2% milk and drink it, too. What ever happened to being an American and the welfare of America? And where’s Sammy Davis, Jr. when you need him?

* Levees still broken and there are 10.5 days to hurricane season.

3 comments… add one
  • liprap May 21, 2008, 8:12 PM

    As far as the New York South Jews, I wish it were that easy for those folks to make aliyah overseas. They know full well, however, that living in Israel will, in many ways, be even more difficult than biting the bullet and voting for Obama.

  • Maitri May 22, 2008, 11:53 AM

    Liprap, I love it when you talk Yiddish to me – it increases my vocabulary!

    Multiculturalism is not setting up Little Israel, Little India or Little China and refusing to participate in the American process beyond economic and lifestyle gains. We can be Indian-Americans or Israeli-Americans and operate with the mindset of what is good for America. There is a subtle line between total assimilation/Henry-Ford-style Americanization and holding a strong allegiance towards the motherland while carrying an American passport, and I think our generation of Americans understands this. Sadly, however, for the immigrant generation which precedes me, American citizenship is little more than commodity.

    Also, I didn’t say this in the post, but my anger towards Democrats who will not vote for Obama because he is black (or has a Muslim middle name) knows no bounds. This is very prevalent especially in immigrant populations because members of these groups need someone lower on the totempole and black Americans fit that bill.

  • liprap May 22, 2008, 2:21 PM

    “Aliyah” is actually Hebrew for “rising up”, and is a term commonly used to describe immigrating to Israel.

    And the tighter the ties are to a country or a culture, the more difficult it is for these folks to step back and look at what they are so vehemently for or against with regards to the way that country or culture is treated. Critical thinking takes a backseat to the deep-seated emotion of loving one’s origins and beliefs.

    Language feeds this, too – “aliyah” being a case in point. It only reinforces the battle between diaspora Jews and those in Israel and makes me look at my fellow American Jews and ask, “What are we, chopped liver?” Because, in the estimation of many who have made aliyah…we might as well be.

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