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Day 960: Of Interest

* NYTimes: Agency Is Under Pressure to Develop Disaster Housing

Isn’t there a solution somewhere between “flimsy little white boxes [which] are unpleasant to live in and tainted with toxic formaldehyde fumes” and “mansion”-like Mississippi Cottages that “are colored like Easter eggs ” rose-hip pink, malted mint, cloudless blue?” As long as FEMA is flailing, in return for my tax money, I demand expedition khaki. “Too nice,” my hind.

* Gambit Online: Big Oil’s Rosy Shades

The largest challenge facing the industry, [Chris John, president of the Louisiana Mid-Continent Oil & Gas Association] told lawmakers, involves workforce development ” a top priority for Gov. Bobby Jindal. We are going to need hundreds of thousands of people in the near future trained in a certain way, John says, from computers to engineers to roughnecks ” the whole range. Don Briggs, president of the Louisiana Oil and Gas Association, gave lawmakers a rosy picture, saying historic rig counts in northern Louisiana will continue to grow at astonishing rates with new discoveries, and that Gulf drilling is about to rebound. He says the Gulf rig count has fallen because it’s the most expensive place to drill in the world.

Never mind where the aforementioned workforce and rigs are going to come from given fiscal reality, does this mean I am now a computer? Awesome!

* All corporate bankruptcy are belong to us.

* Now watching America: The Wright Way in New Orleans.  From the show’s website, “Ian Wright dives right into the flavors of New Orleans on April 14. Stops include the Blue Nile, Po’ Boys and Beignet’s [sic] at Cafe Du Monde.”  And the Lower Ninth, Lafitte’s Blacksmith Shop and Rock ‘n’ Bowl from the looks of it.  The woman interviewed at Rock ‘n’ Bowl must also be on FEMA crack as she told Wright that the lanes warped from the whole building being flooded.  I was under the impression the upstairs was untouched by the floodwaters.  At any rate, back to Ian Wright exploring the wa’ers and baaah-yews in and around Nyu Orleenz.

1 comment… add one
  • Tim April 14, 2008, 11:43 PM

    Forget Katrina–I think the bowling lanes have been warped since Camille. I love Rock’n’Bowl, but let’s be honest about it. Nobody thinks it’s a quality bowling place.



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