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Day 922: Now Streaming

11:30AM – Brett Favre Retirement Press Conference. Until then, join in to watch members of the press show up and mill around.

Where’s my Kleenex?

Update: Some tell me to get over Brett’s retirement because football is just a game, and he’s just another player. I reply that that’s it; Brett Favre showed us it is just a game, but one that can be played by any footballer with enough pride and dedication and a good sense of humor. That it’s much more than the contract and commercial deals. That showing up for your teammates is a lot more important than the number of Superbowl rings won. That it’s not about muscles and testosterone, but instead passing or simply running the ball with boyful glee. That one can keep it together even during substance abuse and walk away from addictions for the sake of self and family. That love comes first – love for football and family. That it’s not easy to walk away from an achievement into which you’ve poured your blood, sweat, tears, heart and soul, but you must because it’s the right thing to do. That life is alright no matter what it throws at you.

This is the legacy and joie de vivre we were fortunate enough to gain from Brett Favre. Who will keep it alive?

SunHerald.com: Brett

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