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Day 865: The Great Prognosticator?

Oyster echoes my thoughts: “Right now, though, hubristic Obamatons like myself are shocked at the New Hampshire primary results. We’re wondering ‘what happened to that audacious electoral wave we were riding?'”

My brother and I ate up some airtime last night talking about politics and football.  When I finally let Obama out of the bag as my chosen one, he was surprised it isn’t Billary.  I reasoned that if her husband or Gore runs again (if by some miracle, they would, that is), I’d gladly vote for either, but “Where’s The Beef?” isn’t doing it for me right now (as much as I am a scientist, my political inclinations come from the gut – hey, political science isn’t a science).  “Obama, Clinton then Edwards in New Hampshire,” I called.  Bro wasn’t so sure and … he’s right.

On being asked when Louisiana will vote in the primaries, I deadpanned, “Oh, five years from now.  Why doesn’t the rest of the nation just pick our president and let us know when it’s all done?”  I really shouldn’t complain about a February 9th* primary (for both Rs and Ds) because Montana and South Dakota don’t hold their Democrat primaries until June 3rd**. 

Talking about Hillary’s tears and the ramifications of Obama as CinC got tiresome, so we moved onto the NFL.  Bro’s spidey sense has the NY Giants beating the Packers/Seahawks to play the New England Pansiots who will have come out of thrashing Indy.  The oracle then predicts another win for the AFC-Brady-Belichik Complex Of Self-Adoration.  Great gods of pigskin, I hope it ain’t so.

* I could have sworn the Louisiana primaries were scheduled for February 5th (Mardi Gras Day) and switched to February 9th as I was staring at the schedule.

** Don’t feel too bad for Montana – their Republican primary is in February.  Can you say Red State, folks?

2 comments… add one
  • brimful January 9, 2008, 6:33 PM

    Hey, why you gotta hate on the Pats? ;) Truth be told, I see them having trouble giving Indy a thrashing… they had enough problems with Peyton’s little, inferior brother in the last game of the season.

    I’m still not sure whether I’m for Obama or Hilary, but I’m really glad my home state bucked the trend– now, the rest of the states actually matter. And now that I have actually seen what the rest of America looks like, I find Iowa and NH deciding things for all of us a bit criminal!

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