To the people of Mississippi: Sane citizens of the state of Wisconsin do not claim Greta van Susteren as one of our own. In fact, we wonder why she interviewed Brett and Deanna Favre last night (thus also forcing some of us to watch Fox News), although I admit to sniffling a bit when Brett talked of love for his wife. At the end of the interview, van Susteren remarked, “… you guys all talk funny ” this Mississippi stuff!” Mushmouth is one to say this. Deanna Favre replied with a perfectly straight face, “We think you talk funny.” Bam! Go Deanna.
India has been irksome lately – the government still hasn’t taken an influential stand in Burma’s democracy conflict. Meanwhile, back in “civilization,” a Gucci store is set to open in Mumbai in two weeks.
Why I still love the internets and tend to ignore people that say blogs aren’t influential – Burma cyber-dissidents crack censorship; Bloggers vs. Uzbek billionaire. There’s more to the world than America.
Why I hate the internets – txyankee points us to a GMail flaw that lets anyone read your email. “Check your filters, boys and girls, and make sure there are not any you did not create!”
My big internet pet peeve is pop ups/unders. And those stupid ads that float around. Hate them!
Oh yeah, and the first time I went up to Milwaukee 5 years ago, my cousins said they were relived they could understand me when I talked, since I live in the south and all…