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Day 757: Science & Tech News

New Dense Zone Within The Earth’s Lower Mantle Proposed: “… research suggests that a section of the Earth’s brittle mantle about 620 to 1,365 miles (1,000 to 2,200 kilometers) deep actually is a ‘transitional zone’ where the rock turns into a strange, incredibly dense state.”

Drawing On Air With Haptics In 3D: “By putting on a virtual reality mask, holding a stylus in one hand and a tracking device in the other, an artist can draw 3D objects in the air with unprecedented precision.”

7 Reasons I Switched Back To PHP After 2 Years With Rails: “7. Programming languages are like girlfriends; the new one is better because *you* are better.”

Buy A Laptop For A Child, Get Another One Free: “The marketing program, to be announced today, is called ‘Give 1 Get 1,’ in which Americans and Canadians can buy two laptops for $399 … One of the machines will be given to a child in a developing nation, and the other one will be shipped to the purchaser by Christmas. The donated computer is a tax-deductible charitable contribution. The program will run for two weeks, with orders accepted from Nov. 12 to Nov. 26 … The machines have high-resolution screens, cameras and peer-to-peer technology so the laptops can communicate wirelessly with one another. The machine runs on free, open source software. ‘Everything in the machine is open to the hacker, so people can poke at it, change it and make it their own.'”

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