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Day 627: GAO Says Pumps Contract Handled Properly – Yeah Uh Huh

And I have tons of marshland to sell you with large bridges that go over them.

Mary Landrieu: GAO found pumps along New Orleans canals were rushed, but handled properly

An investigation by the Government Accountability Office found no evidence of fraud or improper influence in the pump project, handled by the Army Corps of Engineers … the corps has insisted that the pumps would have worked, but last year’s unexpectedly mild hurricane season never tested them. A draft of the GAO report said it was uncertain how well or how long the pumps would have worked if a hurricane had struck …

We always said there was no smoking gun, [Corps Col. Jeffrey Bedey] said.

On to the smoking gun: Whether or not the Corps obtained the pumps through legal means, the problem of working pumps remains unaddressed. At this point, New Orleans will take something that fell off the back of a truck as long as it does the job.

When has the GAO ever investigated anything properly within two weeks? (Note: “The GAO is not subject to the Freedom of Information Act. However, GAO’s disclosure policy follows the spirit of the act consistent with GAO’s duties and functions as an agency with primary responsibility to the Congress.” Translation: We’ll let you see our documentation as long as you go through a painful and convoluted process, and cough up the dough).

3 comments… add one
  • GentillyGirl May 17, 2007, 11:32 PM

    Wait one darned moment: I OWN those bridges and those in S.F. and Seattle. *pout*

    Seriously, the GAO report is B/S, plain and simple. The GAO is now an offshoot of Bushite Inc., and for the idiots that don’t believe that fact, I hope your levees don’t break prior to January 10th, 2009.

    If the breaks occur before the above date, you’d better have the means to rebuild or an application for one of Bushite Inc.’s “retirement centers”.

    Good bye Bushite comrades.

  • racymind May 18, 2007, 2:47 PM

    I LOVE the new crib here! Beautiful!

  • spocko May 20, 2007, 12:32 AM

    Okay, I’m going to have to check out this report.
    Scout and I have a big time respect for the GAO. So before I start bashing on the GAO I want to read the report.

    With these reports part of the deal is WHAT is legal vs. what is right.

    Sure it might be legal that the spec for the pump came from the MWI catalog and the way that the Corps get around it is that they say “a contractor” picked it for us. But that doesn’t make it right.
    This, “if there is no law broken then nothing bad happened” is a legalistic trick I see from high level con-artists.

    Maybe technically they did nothing wrong (that we caught them in). But then we get into the whole spirit of the deal.

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