Founder and executive director of Project Gutenberg, Michael Hart, was interviewed on NPR’s Science Friday this morning. Fellow interviewees are Brewster Kahle of Internet Archive (that “dovetails with Project Gutenberg”) and Michael Keller of Stanford University’s library (representing Google). The topic is Digital Libraries and universal access to all knowledge. This conversation will help those of you who want to understand the importance of and need for the public domain. Also, pay attention to the dialogue between Kahle and Keller about images of texts (Google effort) vs. actual eBooks.
“eBook” is not about format – paper books vs. electronic text. The issue is content over form and “ownership of personal libraries as [people today] own their personal computers.”
“Real men don’t make backups. They upload it via ftp and let the world mirror it.” — Linus Torvalds
To listen to the interview, click HERE.