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Day 565: No Pumps Better Than Faulty Pumps

Our own local newspaper, The Times-Picayune, does not find it germane to splash on its front page the findings from the never-ending pit that is the Faulty Pumps issue. The “historic” 10-point crime plan that comes out of the Eddie Jordan – Warren Riley peace accord is deemed more important. Just another reason for an ubiquitous and alternate news source in this city.

When we discussed this last night, D said, “The head Corps engineers said that, given the time frame, some pump mechanism had to be installed. They could have installed nothing and it would have been just as good as faulty pumps. The only difference is that someone made money on the MWI deal.”

What an abject waste of money we so badly need. Only so much is granted to hurricane protection in New Orleans, after the allotted rest was squandered in Iraq. To quote Oyster, “I’d say we shouldn’t buy what MWI is selling, either. But I guess we already did. It was part of that 110 billion trillion dollars that was sent to New Orleans after Katrina.”

Keep reading Matt McBride and Spocko’s Brain for the latest. It gets better … and worse.

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