Edit: I’ve been researching GIS teaching materials, went Google-crazy and came across these resources. Be warned that there may be more link-tastic posts like this one.
This form will automatically draw your GPS data (or KML/KMZ file, or plain text data in CSV or tab-delimited format) overlaid upon street maps and satellite imagery in Google Maps.
“Fuller started with the data for the spherical Earth surface. He projected the data from the sphere onto an icosahedron — the twenty- sided Platonic solid — and then unfolded that icosahedron out flat.”
“The maps presented on this website are equal area cartograms, otherwise known as density-equalising maps. The cartogram re-sizes each territory according to the variable being mapped.”
“An interactive data visualization tool developed by the Office of Environmental Information to investigate multivariate environmental-health-demographic relationships in data using interactive, dynamic choropleth maps. Such a tool can be used to explore environmental indicators spatially and to allow one to interact with the data by varying the multi-dimensional components of the indicator, or index, and see the map change dynamically in real-time.”
” … a thematic map in which areas are shaded or patterned in proportion to the measurement of the statistical variable being displayed on the map”
The General Land Office (proto-BLM) was quite busy in Ohio.
Way TMI!
Really. I just lifted the whole post and gmailed it go myself to make sure I had it somewhere safe in da’sky!
I am such a freak for all of this, particularly Fuller. I live 9 feet from the 90th Meridian… on’da back hand path.
Thanks, Maitri.
Hey, Maitri, s’up?
Here is a new linkeroo I found for your list of viewing resources. This is satellite: http://spie.org/x35463.xml?highlight=x2420&ArticleID=x35463
Thanks youz