Where do people get off thinking the world will come to an end, they will be pneumatic-tubed to Heaven and all will be answered in their lifetimes? Then again, why not? What’s so special about any other coming time in Earth history that it cannot happen next week?
At any rate, I’m seriously tempted to stage a scene in this ‘hood that involves “vehicles left behind.” There is an East Asian church around the way. Wouldn’t it be funny if a whole bunch of empty cars with doors open suddenly filled its parking lot, the pastor showed up and I ran towards him screaming, “We non-whites were left behind! Nooooo!”
Guess only I think about these things. And find them amusing.
As a Jewish broad, I’d be right there with you yelling, “Guess I’m headed for purgatory at best! Stop the rapture, I wanna get on!!!!”
There’s a billboard in the CBD saying Jesus is coming on the 21st, and all I can think is, “Hey, at least Dan and I will have the chance to celebrate our 10th anniversary before it comes.” Heh heh. Heh heh. Heh.
You’re irrepressible, as always. I love the image of all those empty cars, like a reverse flash mob.
The convoluted pen and ink illustrations made me think of this. The other day I found on Project Gutenberg “The encyclopedia of needlework” by Therese de Dillmont, It’s now on my kindle–with the original diagrams! This bible of western needlework had gotten a bit hard to find. Now one’s grandchildren can, theoretically at least, learn to do invisible mending, darn socks, make laces and embroideries, knitting, crocheting, tatting, hemstitching and so on through the canon of needlework arts. That books like this are being saved seems fairly rapturous to me.