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The Great American Reachout

Howard Dean, who wasn’t even on the ballot of Louisiana’s presidential primary, is now the DNC chair and this makes me very happy. Hope remains when an ex-candidate doesn’t throw in his towel, but continues to fight for his country in another incarnation. Zephyr Teachout has some good advice for Dean with respect to internet campaigning:

” … while the ‘net is disrupting some old channels for political power and offering new kinds of connections as well … without an aggressive effort, I worry that most of this energy will go into fundraising, list-building and maybe some online community building.”

Sure, these aren’t bad things, Teachout says, “but in the face of the Great American Loneliness and the Great American Powerlessness, I hope that the disruptive power of the internet might serve to create a new form of voluntary association: offline communities based on online connections but rooted in public places.”

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