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Day 373: 50% Does Not Make Double

Preoccupied with the T-P’s non-capitalization of a geological noun, I neglected a more flagrant mistake in the same article: Pam Radtke Russell reported the results of Chevron’s Jack 2 well test as “a development that could double the nation’s oil reserves” when “[the drilled trend] is thought to hold 3 billion to 15 billion barrels of oil [and] the nation’s current reserves are about 30 billion.”

WHOOPS!  15 billion equals 50% of 30 billion and not 200%.  Forget geology education, we have some basic ‘rithmetic skills to work on.  Good thing our City Accountant caught and questioned this new math:

How can 3 billion to 15 billion barrels double 30 billion barrels?  I readily admit that I know nothing about Big Erl and how it operates. But am I missing something in the math here?

Donning my ScienceGirl cape, I rushed to Da Po Boy’s rescue with a more reliable article which states clearly that the Jack 2 test may boost U.S. petroleum reserves by 50%.

Pam, stay after school and write this on the chalkboard a hundred times:

30 + 15 = 45, not 60.

Please offer prayers to Pascal that Dubious Dave doesn’t run with this.  Quel damage!

2 comments… add one
  • mominem September 6, 2006, 9:16 PM

    Calm down and read the whole article before blogging. Take a walk, pet the cat then take a deep breath.

    Then give yourself a break.

  • Maitri September 6, 2006, 11:15 PM

    Well, the “double” comment was the very first sentence, but my eyes blurred that and focused on the tertiary goofup.

    My friend’s kitty took a nap on my lap today and I didn’t sneeze. It was amazing. Cats are awesome.

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