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Day 1093: Rising Tide 3 РD̩nouement

Robert Cerasoli attended our pre-party, Lee Zurik was there, we made the Times-Picayune and Clancy DuBos is one of us, one of us.

Follow up posts coming on:

* interconnectedness – why New Orleans and Louisiana are important to the rest of the nation, just as the Dakotas, California and the East Coast should be important to us.

* parallels and dissimilarities with India

* education as a lowered national priority and how that is already coming home to roost

Again, thanks to all of you who made Rising Tide 3 happen. We need to meet more often before next year. Geek dinners, anyone? I’ll bring the Indian food!

2 comments… add one
  • Tim August 24, 2008, 1:44 PM

    Very good capture of the event! Barry was excellent, but he didn’t slam the Corps and so I’m sure Sandy and her attack dogs will be chasing him across the blogosphere in the coming days.

    Looking forward to your thoughts on education as a lowered national priority–not just a lowered priority, but I think a large number of American adults are proud to be uneducated. Very scary state of affairs.

    It was a great event that started with a bourbon and ended with a beer. It just doesn’t get any better than that.



  • Karen August 24, 2008, 10:49 PM

    Someone has to lead the attack dogs…

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